Jewellery is largely sold on its visual appeal. This means that it’s vital to have effective display systems. Working with a reputable jewellery display manufacturer in Allesley is the best way to ensure that you get the right jewellery display(s) for your particular needs.
Safety first
There are two main threats to jewellery on display. These are thieves and accidents. Effective jewellery displays can help to protect against both. In particular, they make it easy for jewellers to control which pieces, if any, customers are allowed to handle by themselves.
They can also strongly influence where people handle the jewellery. For example, jewellers could place open displays near the back of the shop. This would give them plenty of time to react if someone headed towards the door with an item of merchandise.
On a more everyday note, effective jewellery displays also protect jewellery against being roughly, or just excessively, handled. Using suitable displays tends to be a lot more effective than relying on staff to be careful. With the best will in the world, human errors can happen, especially when staff are busy.
High-quality, well-chosen jewellery displays will also do a lot to protect jewellery from environmental hazards such as dust. This in turn saves staff time as it means less cleaning.
Convenience and flexibility
Visual merchandising has always been hugely important to jewellery sales. Over recent years, it’s become even more important due to the influence of the internet. Modern customers now have very high expectations of jewellery displays.
Firstly, they expect them to look like the images they’ve seen on social media. Secondly, they expect them to be updated regularly. Having the right jewellery display(s) can make it a lot easier to meet and even exceed their expectations.
In particular, having flexible, modular, displays can allow staff to update displays with minimal speed and hassle. Just as importantly, using the right jewellery display(s) will also minimise the chance of the merchandise being damaged.
As a bonus to all of this, using high-quality and appropriate jewellery displays can help to free up staff time for other tasks. For example, when a store is busy, you can have extra pairs of hands to serve (and keep an eye on) customers. When a store is quiet, you will have more staff free for administration such as stock-taking.
Maintaining cohesiveness
The impact of the internet has encouraged many jewellery stores to become a lot more adventurous with their jewellery displays. In fact, some jewellers now deliberately aim to create displays people will want to photograph and share on social media.
This can be an excellent strategy but it’s important to ensure that you maintain a certain level of cohesiveness. Again, your choice of jewellery displays can make this a lot easier. In general, you want to use simple displays in a maximum of three colours. This gives plenty of flexibility while maintaining a cohesive look.
You can then keep the display fresh by regularly updating your choice of display accessories. This approach also has the advantage of making it easier and more affordable to change out underperforming displays.